


Product Name Drug Category Standard
Degarelix Anti-prostate cancer In-house
Plecanatide Constipation drug In-house
Desmopressin Urinary system drugs EP/USP
Terlipressin Digestive system drugs In-house
Carbetocin Uterine smooth muscle stimulation In-house
Vasopressin Urinary system drugs In-house
Lanreotide Somatostatin In-house
Pasireotide Somatostatin In-house
Octreotide Somatostatin EP
Leuprorelin (Leuprolide) Gonadotropin EP/USP
Bremelanotide Sexual dysfunction In-house
GHRP-2 Growth hormone In-house
Sermorelin Growth hormone In-house
Liraglutide Hypoglycemic agent In-house
Semaglutide Hypoglycemic agent In-house
None of the products will be supplied to countries in which this could be in conflict with existing patents. However, the final responsibility lies exclusively with the buyer.
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